Monday, 17 August 2015

Chaotic leadership

Other words for chaos include anarchy, disorder and confusion. The polite scientific equivalent is entropy, a state of free existence, turmoil and or commotion. The big bang theory of creation is based on the initial existence of chaos. While chaos can clearly be described by discordant behavior, disruptive movement and the lack of objectives, it is a state that is essentially unacceptable. While chaos may continue for significant lengths of time, there exists in humanity a desire to create order. Chaos is not an enjoyable state and essentially unprofitable.

The virtue of leadership creates value out of chaos. Leadership creates order, significance and direction. Leadership facilitates change, development and transformation. However, leadership does not have to wait for chaos in order to respond. Leadership initiates value though invention, innovation and continuous improvement. Leadership contains chaos through strategy, policy and procedures. Finally, leadership eliminates chaos through the vision of a better day. Chaos is fertile ground for appropriate leadership to intervene. It may be possible to lead in chaotic situations, but “chaotic leadership” is non-sense.

NGCL Team   

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