Sunday, 16 August 2015

The relation between Religion & Leadership

A journey thought history will quickly reveals some of the most powerful and influential people that have walked the earth like Hannibal, Shaka and Alexander. These were men with military power and commanded a great following. There have been political leaders like Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela who still command a following. But if leadership is influence then Jesus, Mohamed and the Buddha who established religions may be the greatest influencers of not just our time but of all time.   
What is the power of religion, how does it influence and is it a legitimate form of leadership. All leaders seek a following, religions focuses on the person. Leadership calls for values, religion provides a belief system. Leadership requires mission, religion provides purpose.  Leadership emphasizes vision, religions provide fulfillment. Leadership is often a struggle for power, religion calls for self-sacrifice. To become a leader one can start a business, a political party or a religion, get a following and the rest will be history.

Religions draw their power from meeting and serving the spiritual needs of the people. This makes them both powerful and influential. Religions are also able to command and sustain what many business and political leaders covet – loyalty! While political leaders struggle to make meaningful promises and business leaders rake their brains to create an attractive value proposition, religions get away with euphemisms like happiness, satisfaction and “life after death”. Even with these non tangibles religions are still able to attract a satisfied following.  While corporate organizations have to pay executives to stay, religions are fully staffed by volunteers for free! While it may be argued that corporate institutions are the most powerful institutions on earth, there is little doubt that religions are the most influential and endure from generation to generation.  Religious leaders are able to mobilize the collective will of the people in ways that no politician is able to sustain. Religious leaders inspire followers to sacrifice while corporate leaders employ carrot and stick methods to motivate staff to perform their duties. There is much more in common between religion and leadership than meets the eye. We could learn a great deal about leadership by studying the advance of religions and the methods used by religious leaders.  


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